Tuesday 5 August 2014

The Magic Pickle

This Term for Reading we are Reading Novels. The Eagles are Reading The Magic Pickle.
The Magic Pickle is about a girl called Jo Jo and she live in a house like every other House on there Block but there is a super power hero live under her bed room floor who is a Pickle he is code name is Weapon kosher and he fights crime Dr. Formaldehyde created weapon kosher and tryed to make more super power side kicks for Weapon kosher but they got shot by radon rays from the gamma particle confibulator and they turned in to the Brotherhood of evil produce! How want to take over the WORLD!!!! So the Magic Pickle STOP THEM!!!! Trying to take over the world 

Here is The Book cover

Here is Jo Jo
Here is Weapon kosher
Here is Dr.formaldehyde
By Ezri

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