Monday 8 September 2014


As we have a host of enthusiastic gardeners in Room 13 we desided to propagate some seedlings for the school garden. Using thing we have found around the school we set up a tray of punnets and we have planted 72 cell which hopefully will produce 72 seedlings. 

Thursday 4 September 2014

The 47th jar

For the Woodend School Fair we were asked to bring in jars and bottles
We brought the most jars at a total of 47 Jars!!!!
Here is some photos of Ezri putting in the 47th jar.

By Hamish and Ezri. Please come to our fair!

Thank you for reading our blog!!!

Art -Water Colour.

In Art we are continuing with doing water colour painting here is some of the students abstract work

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Room 13 library session

These are the librarian from Room 13                      
We have a another librarian away in Italy her name is Eva.    

Word wall

This term, we have been learning these words and we have been learning to remember these words for the end of the year test 

Here are some of the words we have been learning this term.
for the end of the year .

Here are some words we have been learning in April 
Like surprise water excited and words like that .

A girl named Alicia has done this work. And one if our teachers 
Said well done to her work .

Monday 1 September 2014

Year 3 and 4 rugby game

      On Thursday, the Year 3 and 4 students played rugby but they had to be in a rugby club they looked amazing when they were playing  it was Woodend vs Kaipoi
Here are some photos I took  the score was Kaipoi got 9 and Woodend got 2 but it looked like fun 

Wahoo go Woodend!
This is what we like to see a games like the

Look at that crowd and there was some behind me too
Here is some more photos of the rugby

Let's go woodend let's go 

Ohh good one

By Ezri